Two Rivers brings together the two rivers of Ancestral Healing and Earth-based Justice. 

This iteration is a year long journey, involving online and in-person gatherings…

…for those wishing to practice individual and collective liberation, through tending to body, land, ancestors and collective. 

To imagine different futures at a threshold of huge societal change, requires finding different ways and orientations of listening. This course provides tools to navigate and ground into the systemic field - a field with laws and behaviours that can guide processes like accountability, transformative justice, and the deeper movements of soul that support collective wellbeing.

Alongside that we will dive into the imaginal realm - vivid and potent place of communication between human, more-than-human, ancestral and dream realms, to cultivate encounter with more-than-human lifeworlds, to listen for the deeper story of your life and the unique way your soul roots to earth, multi-species and ancestral kinship.

This workshop series will follow the seasons and houses of the four directions - a cycle that has formed the architecture of wisdom traditions the world over. Each cycle with involve sessions rooted in body/soma, earth/land, ancestral fields, and collective (systemic) soul.

The journey will involve seasonal online sessions delving into creative, embodied imaginal practices and teachings from the field (including a family constellation), 1:1 sessions with me, and we will gather in person in the Summer and Winter shields of this journey, for those who are able to attend. 


House of Dawn | wisdom of the East

Place of beginnings, spring, new dawns, praise, elder wisdom and trickster joy.

Sessions include:

Embryological Development (experiential anatomy session)

First principle of the Field: Radical Inclusion

On Grief and Praise; Walking with the wisdom of the East

Guest Teaching: (tbc)

April - May 2025

House of Rivers | wisdom of the South

Place of childhood, midday, summer, emotions, body, expression.

Sessions include:

Experiential anatomy: Glandular System

Pleasure and the Nervous System (guided movement session)

Principle of the Systemic Field: The Orders of Love

Restoring the Flow of Life; Walking with the Wisdom of the South

Guest Teaching: (tbc)

June - August 2025

House of Veils | wisdom of the West

Place of dreams, visions, artistry, shadow, sunset, autumn and mystery.

Sessions include:

Experiential Anatomy: Working with the organs

ShadowLands; Working with the broken shadow of ourselves, the collective and the land

Principe of the Systemic Field: Giving Back what Belongs

Dream Practice for Visionary Times: Walking with the Wisdom of the West

Guest teacher: (tbc)

September - November 2025

House of Bones | wisdom of the North

Place of elders, teachers, night, winter, silent wisdom.

Sessions include:

Experiential Anatomy: Singing the Bones

Principle of the Systemic Field: Being with What Is, and the journey of soul

Co-creating with the Ancestors: Walking with the Wisdom of the North

Planting seeds for our individual and collective visions

Guest Teacher: (tbc)

December 2025 - February 2026

Closing Ceremony: March 2026